Interuniversity Council for Erosion and Fluvial Processes
Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1,
Main Building of Moscow State University,
sector ZH
+7 (495) 939 12 33
The Council was established in 1984 as a coordination of universities – co–executors of the research plan of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR in the field of Geography (hydrometeorological section) - "Research of riverbed processes on rivers and in estuaries and the development of methods of their accounting for various sectors of the national economy." The council's main goal was to coordinate research between universities with various profiles, such as hydro meteorology, agriculture, engineering, transportation, and more, on topics related to erosion, river processes, and estuary research. The council also coordinated research plans and programs, provided methodological support for setting up studies, and trained and retrained specialists, including those with the highest qualifications.
The Council unites over 60 universities in Russia and other countries, including the CIS. The council is composed of scientists who conduct research on the issue or teach courses related to it. Representatives from universities in CIS countries and other countries serve as associate members of the council.