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about faculty








Research laboratories

Field stations

Educational council

International cooperation

Moscow PEEX office



Form of study:

Duration of training:
2 years

Kislov Alexander V.

Head of Education Program

Head of Department of 

Meteorology and Climatology

и климатологии, профессор

Professor, Doctor of Geography

Program description 

Professional training of masters is aimed at mastering the theoretical foundations and methods of meteorology and climatology. The graduate is prepared for research activities in the field of weather and climate studies. He is capable of solving professional problems of collecting and systematizing observational materials, masters the methodological foundations for performing field and laboratory atmospheric research using modern equipment and computer systems, and is capable of solving problems of operational weather forecasting, as well as diagnosis and forecast of climate change. The Master is able to participate in the development of mathematical models of the atmosphere and climate. The master knows the theory of climate and the features of atmospheric circulation systems, knows how to use these results to solve problems in hydrometeorology, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.

Benefits of the program   

Deep scientific ideas  

The master's program covers a wide range of the most pressing scientific problems, including the problems of climate change, the role of biogeochemical cycles, features of planetary atmospheric circulation, etc. 

Knowledge of practically important applied techniques 

The master's program includes training in various methods of applied meteorology and climatology, including supercomputer modeling of weather and climate, calculation of atmospheric pollution, etc. 

Leading organizations where graduates work 


  • Weather Russia 

  • Institute of Oceanology named after. P.P. Shirshov RAS 

  • Institute of Atmospheric Physics named after. A.M. Obukhov RAS

  • Institute of Geography RAS

  • Scientific Research Center "Planet" Roshydromet

  • Main Aviation Meteorological Center (GAMC) of Roshydromet

  • Graduates of the department work in their specialty in the UK, Germany, Italy, USA, Sweden, Australia

Basic academic disciplines  

  • Climate theory (Kislov A.V.)

  • Methods of short-term and ultra-short-term forecasting (Gushchina D.Yu.)

  • Biogeochemical cycles of terrestrial ecosystems and climate change (Olchev A.V.)

  • Tropical meteorology (Platonov V.S.)

  • Theory of general atmospheric circulation (Kislov A.V.)

  • Climate of the Globe (Surkova G.V.)

  • Climate of Russia (Alekseeva L.I.)

  • Main modes of variability of the general atmospheric circulation (Gushchina D.Yu.)

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